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7 lakes story

Writer's picture: Poe MichaelPoe Michael

7 lakes story


7 lakes are one of the most popular places to visit in Karenni State. It is located in Deemawsho township. According to our ancient storytelling, there were 7 angels and each of them came down to the 7 lack of

a shower.




ကန်ခုနှစ်ဆင့်သည် ကရင်နီပြည်နယ်ာရှိ ခရီးသွားအလည်အပတ်လုပ်ရာတွင် အလွန်ပင် ထင်းရှားပြီးနာမည်ကြီးသည့်နေရာတစ်ခုဖြစ်ပါတယ်။ ကန်ခုနှစ်ဆင့်ဟာ ကရင်နီပြည်နယ် ဒီမောဆိုမြို့မှာတည်ရှိနေပါတယ်။ မိမိတို့ဘိုးဘွားပြောခဲ့သည့် ဒဏ္ဍာရီပုံပြင်အရဆိုရင် နှတ်သမီးခုနှစ်ဖော်ရေဆင်းချိုးတဲ့ကန်လို့သိရှိရပါတယ်။



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Karenni or Kayah

Thousand of people are still wondering the words between Karenni and Kayah state. Karenni is the official name that British colonial officials' administration first used which is how we pronounce kayinni, the Burmese word for “Red Karen,”. At the same time, we also have white Karen, and black Karen. Many people argued that Red Karen is part of white Karen. Our leader didn't want to confuse the identity or definition so they used Karenni instead of Red Karen. Therefore, the reason why the KNPP adopted the word " Karenni" for their name is that there are various ethnic groups in addition to the Kayah within Kayan, Kayaw, Paku, MaNu, Manaw, Yinthaleh, and Bwe, etc.). The words ``Kayah'' have been used since 1952. Most people believed that the authoritarian wanted to blind the history that once the Karenni state was independent and was not part of Myanmar. Historically, Kayah isn’t a state, it is the ethnic group that has to live under Karenni. 

#Khu Poe Reh

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